Preliminary Research on the Human Design System and Health
Eleanor Haspel-Portner, PhD, Ra Uru Hu, Marvin M. Portner, MD,
Erik Memmert, Charles Haspel

Research Design

Sampling is of critical importance in any scientific study. Preliminarily, a group of 5000 general population birth dates were randomly chosen by Neutrinos for Rave Life Sciences for the years of 1917 through 1975 to approximate the clinical subgroup populations with which we were working. Birth chart data was imported into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for analysis.

After initial frequency statistics were run, we replicated the results with two other groups of 5000 random birth dates also between 1917 and 1975. To further replicate the results, we ran two additional randomized groups of general population charts provided by Jigsaw, a different astrological program, for the years 1900 through 2000. Thus, we analyzed 5 general population samples of 5000 each and compared them for frequency of occurrence of Type.


Since all populations yield similar frequency distributions by Type, Table 1 and Graph 1 present the frequency distribution for Type in a representative sample of 5000. Z-Tests were run for differences between groups in occurrence of each of the Types, e.g., the frequency of occurrence of Manifestors in one group was compared to the frequency of occurrence of Manifestors in another group. All groups were compared to each other in this way. No significant differences were found in any of the general population groups, i.e., frequency of distribution of Type is consistent for all general populations tested.

Table 1
Type: Frequency and Percent Occurrence (N=5000)

TYPE Frequency Percent Valid
Manifestor 401 8.0 8.0 8.0
Generator 1839 36.8 36.8 44.8
Projector 1043 20.9 20.9 65.7
Reflector 43 0.9 0.9 66.5
Manifesting Generator 1674 33.5 33.5 100.0
Total 5000 100.0 100.0  

Manifestor 8% (Click for increased image) Generator 37% (Click for increased image) Projector 21% (Click for increased image) Reflector 1% (Click for increased image) Manifesting Generator 33% (Click for increased image) CLick for increased image

Graph 1: Percentage of Type Frequency in General Population (N=5000).

Table 1 and Graph 1 show that in a general population, 8% of the population are Manifestors, 36.8% of the population are Generators, 20.9% of the population are Projectors, 0.9% of the population are Reflectors and 33.5% of the population are Manifesting Generators.

Frequency percentages were analyzed using a Z-Test to determine that the differences between Type, i.e., the frequency of occurrence of each Type measured something that would not be due to chance alone. The Z-Test is a non parametric measurement, which tests for significant differences between two groups. Table 2 shows the results of the z tests.

Table 2
Z-Test Values for General Population of 5000 by Type

  Generator Projector Reflector Man/Gen
Manifestor -35.950 -16.050 8.950 -31.825
Generator   19.900 44.900 4.125
Projector     25.000 -15.775
Reflector       -40.775

C.V. = 3.29 @ 99% DF=9998

Note that in all cases the differences between each Type and every other Type to which it was compared show statistical significance far beyond the 99% level of confidence. Moreover, the significant values are considerably higher than one would expect at the 99% level of confidence. Table 2 reflects the similarity or differences and their significance in the frequency of occurrence of the Types. From Table 2 no conclusions can be drawn about the qualitative differences in Type only about the similarities and differences in occurrence of Type and whether Type actually differentiates something real between the groups.


Type as defined by the HDS differentiates a real component that appears to be stable across many populations. It is based on birth time and place. Manifestors make up 8% of the population and Reflectors make up less than 0.9% of the population, making them a minority in the population. 70.3% of the population are Generators (Generators and Manifesting Generators). Projectors represent 20.9% of the population.

Verifying that Type represents a replicatable construct in so many populations is extremely important. Type helps people determine the coping strategies built into their Design that can be of use to them in how they live. In Design theory, Manifestors are those in the population who are able to take action because they have a Motor/Fuel Center which reaches the Throat Center, the Center of Manifestation. Since in Western culture, we tend to encourage and expect all individuals to "do" and to take action,. recognizing that people who are designed to manifest action easily are, in fact, a minority, can be extremely freeing to others who are not so designed.

Generators and Manifesting Generators together comprise about 70% of the population. Their design tunes them in to their Sacral response, which lets them know what is "correct" for them in terms of action in the world. Since their response is key, in this system we often emphasize that Generators and Manifesting Generators do well when they are asked if something is "correct" for them before they are expected to take action. Such a practice allows them to respond appropriately for themselves in situations.

Projectors have no motors defined to the Throat Center and thus have no way to manifest. They also have no way to respond from their Sacral Center (which is undefined). Thus, Projectors can neither manifest nor generate. They are a non energy Type in HDS theory. They need others to recognize them. The strategy of the Projector is to wait for the invitation. Once invited a Projector can gain secure and reliable access to the energy environment.

Reflectors have no definition in their design. Transiting planets, especially the Moon, affect Reflectors by giving them regularly cycling definition throughout their design in accord with their Body Graph configuration. Knowing they have a regular cycle through which they move can be very liberating for them.

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