Preliminary Research on the Human Design System and Health
Eleanor Haspel-Portner, PhD, Ra Uru Hu, Marvin M. Portner, MD,
Erik Memmert, Charles Haspel


Type, a key construct in Human Design System theory, was verified in 5 samples of 5000 birth records drawn at random from a general population. Type holds up as a highly significant differentiating variable in all groups far beyond the 99% level of confidence. Furthermore, all groups tested have consistent frequency of occurrence of each Type.


The Human Design System (HDS) is a synthesis of astrology, the Hindu Chakra System, the Kabalistic tree of life, and the I-Ching. It holds the promise of allowing people to see their basic energy design in a visual image and to follow that design in their lives.

The findings presented in this paper begin scientific documentation showing the reality and validity of the Human Design Body Graph matrix as well as the DreamRave Mammalian matrix. As far as we know, this paper represents the first time an esoteric system has this kind of scientific validation for mapping the structure of energy flow in the body.

Purpose of Study

As interdisciplinary scientists and interested professionals we have studied esoteric and astrological systems and their clinical applications for more than 20 years. The ease and the depth of insight that Design provides people is amazing. In the past year, we have begun research on Design to document it clinically and statistically in order to validate its truth.

Although the Human Design Body Graph seemed to be of value subjectively, any theoretical system holds up only when subjected to statistical analytic methods. The task of Rave Life Sciences has been the documentation and validation of the Human Design and associated systems and to prove that these systems can stand the rigors of testing. Only when so tested can we say with certainty that the Body Graph differentiates meaningful constructs in the general population.

One of the key concepts of Human Design is Type. According to the theory, based on birth time and place, individuals may be energetically classified from their Body Graph as: Manifestor, Generator, Projector, Reflector, or Manifesting Generator. The Manifesting Generator is a sub classification related to the Generator Type. Individuals find the knowledge of Type useful as a construct and helpful in knowing how to live their life in a way that makes them feel at ease within themselves. This concept is an important one in Design theory. Consequently, it is a key aspect to study and a crucial part of Design theory to validate.

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